2016, among the 1.02 m asylum applicants registered
In 2016, among the 1.02 m asylum applicants registered 30% had already filed
an application in another member state. Given the intensive secondary
movements several member states have introduced border controls which –
though formally approved – risk to undermine the Schengen arrangements and
hamper the free movement of goods and persons in the Single Market.
Therefore, the Commission’s reform plans focus on the two major pillars of the
asylum policy’s internal arm: (i) the introduction of a fair mechanism regulating
the responsibilities for asylum procedures and (ii) the harmonisation of the
standards for the procedures and the treatment of applicants aiming at lower
incentives for secondary migration.
However, the Dublin procedure recast has stalled, as several member states
strictly refuse the planned corrective mechanism for a fair sharing of
responsibility. This mechanism which provides for a mandatory allocation of
asylum seekers based on a reference key shall apply if a member state is
confronted with a disproportionately high number of asylum applicants. Member
states which do not want to participate in the mechanism will have to make a
solidarity contribution or their financial transfers from the EU budget will be
Especially the latter option has triggered disputes in the current talks
on the next EU budget.
EU Forecast