Country reviews focus on the implementation and effectiveness of regulatory, supervisory or
other financial sector standards and policies agreed within the FSB, as well as their
effectiveness in achieving desired outcomes.
They examine the steps taken or planned by
national authorities to address International Monetary Fund (IMF)–World Bank Financial
Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) and Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes
(ROSC) recommendations on financial regulation and supervision as well as on institutional
and market infrastructure that are deemed most important and relevant to the FSB’s core
mandate of promoting financial stability. Country reviews can also focus on regulatory,
supervisory or other financial sector policy issues not covered in the FSAP that are timely
and topical for the jurisdiction itself and for the broader FSB membership. Unlike the FSAP,
a peer review does not comprehensively analyse a jurisdiction’s financial system structure or
policies, or its compliance with international financial standards.
FSB jurisdictions have committed to undergo an FSAP assessment every 5 years; peer
reviews taking place 2-3 years following an FSAP will complement that cycle. As part of this
commitment, Germany volunteered to undergo a peer review in 2013.
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