Eyalso regularly publishes analyses of Chinese M&A transactions in Europe
In addition to the European Investment Monitor listed
above, Eyalso regularly publishes analyses of Chinese M&A
transactions in Europe. For Germany, the transactions
are broken down by number, volume, and industry.
For selected investments, the German target company, the Chi –
nese investor, and the transaction value are listed. The data
is collected fromcommercial databases, corporate informa-
tion, and in-house research at EY.
It also takes into account
“Companies headquartered in China and Hong Kong and
their subsidiaries” (EY2016: 2). This represents an essen-
tial difference fromn ational FDI statistics which list China
and Hong Kong separately.
Gingko Tree Advisor, a consulting firmspecializing in
China, published short studies on Chinese M&A transac-
tions in Germany in 2014 and 2015. This included spread-
sheets that break down the transactions by target enter-
prise, sector, announcement of the proj ect, buyer company,
ownership share, and transaction value. The information
on M&A transactions comes from commercial databases,
press databases, and in-house research (Gingko Tree Advi –
sors 2014, 2015).
The auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) also pub-
lishes analyses of Chinese M&A in Germany. A short study
published in 2016 contains the usual information about
each transaction as well as a detailed overview of the top
ten transactions by Chinese investors in Germany between
2010 and 2016, broken down by target company, indus-
try, buyer, seller’ s ownership structure, and company value
(PwC 2016: 26-31). The data presented there is based on
PwC’ s in-house research and commercial databases.
EU Forecast