German population is currently estimated at 80.5m
Population and social patterns
The German population is currently estimated at 80.5m on the basis of
extrapolations taken from a mini-census taken in May 2011. Annual deaths
regularly exceed births, so the general tendency is that of a falling and ageing
population. For the present, this is partially compensated (in some years,
overcompensated) by immigration from abroad, although this latter is not
expected to continue to the same extent. Official estimates suggest that the
population will fall to some 65 million by 2060, if current trends remain
Germany is more densely populated than either of her two largest neighbours,
France and Poland. The population density is greatest in the traditionally
industrial areas of the Ruhr and parts of the Saar, the commercial centres of
Cologne/Düsseldorf, the Rhine-Main area of Frankfurt/Wiesbaden, Berlin,
and on a smaller scale in and around the other larger cities. Few areas can be
described as under-populated.
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