Market leader in many fields of technology
Germany is dominating automation, revolutionising robotics and leading the way
in digital manufacturing.
It is also a force to be reckoned with in the future
market of virtual systems and is continually offering new solutions for production
systems that are highly complex yet ultra-efficient. Germany also writes the
software for high-precision process control, which saves costs, increases speed
and raises standards in everything from the quality of the goods being made to
the reliability with which they can be delivered. Indeed, software is the third pillar
of Industry 4.0 along with process definition and hardware.
In the field of transportation, while full electrification is still a long way off, in the
current transition phase, more efficient hybrid models, optimised engines and
the powertrain as a whole are becoming increasingly important.
German companies are already at the forefront of delivering these technologies and are
likely to remain there.
EU Forecast