Number of Chinese investment proj ects in Germany
Depending on the data set, the information on the
number of Chinese investment proj ects in Germany can,
however, differ significantly. Astudy by the Rhodium
Group (RHG) and the Mercator Institute for China Stud-
ies (MERICS) , for example, showed just 30 Chinese green-
field proj ects for 2014 (no more recent data was available)
(Hanemann and Huotari 2015: 19) , whereas GTAI (2015)
says that there were 190.
The EY European Investment
Monitor, meanwhile, counts 79 proj ects (EY2015: 3) for
the same year. The number of M&Atransactions also var-
ies: for 2014, GTAI counted 27 and EY 36, but RHG counted
only 18 (GTAI as cited by Hempel 2015; EY2016: 7; Hane-
mann and Huotari 2015: 19). The differences are proba-
bly due to different sources and collection methods.
All three sets of data nevertheless showthat the
number of Chinese greenfield investments in Germany in
recent years has been significantly higher than the num-
ber of Chinese M&A transactions. The RHG data also allows
a breakdown by investment volume.
This confirms that
the amounts invested in M&A are much higher than those
invested in greenfield proj ects. Between 2000 and 2014,
M&Amade up more than 80 percent of China’ s FDI volume
in Germany (Hanemann and Huotari 2015: 21).
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