Sources of Portfolio Investment
Sources of Portfolio Investment, Germany 2012
Portfolio Investment Assets
Top Five Partners (Millions, US Dollars)
Equity Securities
Total Debt Securities
World 2,760,141 100%
World 747,415 100%
World 2,012,726 100%
Luxembourg 455,628 17%
Luxembourg 376,974 50%
France 317,037 16%
France 375,394 14%
United States 73,451 10%
Netherlands 246,621 12%
Netherlands 266,528 10%
France 58,357 8%
Italy 202,061 10%
United Kingdom 222,051 8%
United Kingdom 41,858 6%
United Kingdom 180,193 9%
United States 219,577 8%
Ireland 37,862 5%
United States 146,126 7%
Some of the investments pass through neighboring EU member states Luxembourg and the
Netherlands to the final destination of Germany.
Contact Point at Post for Public Inquiries
NAME (optional)
TITLE: Minister-Counselor for Trade
ADDRESS OF MISSION/AIT: Pariser Platz 2, 14191 Berlin, Germany
TELEPHONE NUMBER: +49-(0)30-8305-1900
EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]
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