Agreements which are binding for the covered employees
The employer may agree with the works council on works
agreements which are binding for the covered employees. The
works agreements consist of detailed regulations governing the
terms and conditions of employment (e. G. Working hours, timing
of breaks, safety issues).
However, wages and other working
conditions which are regulated or normally regulated by collec-
tive bargaining agreements are not permitted to be subject of
such works agreements. The number of works council members
within an enterprise increases with the number of its employees.
A general works council (Gesamtbetriebsrat) must be estab-
lished in companies with multiple works councils at different
business locations. The local works councils are not subordinate
to the general works council.
Rather, the general works council
is responsible for dealing with matters which relate to the
company as a whole or to several business locations and which
cannot be settled by the local works councils or which require
uniform resolution throughout the entire company.
EU Forecast