Both sister parties have emphasised to primarily promote the conservatives’ own
As an anchor for a common campaign a common election platform
shall be launched. The platform is likely to focus on external and internal security,
(income) tax reductions, support for families, prosperity and jobs and European
policy. The latter issue is likely to play a major role in the contest with the SPD’s
candidate, as campaigners from the conservatives have already confronted Mr.
Schulz with his former plea for Eurobonds
1 and accused him of laxness with regard to the Euro area fiscal/ deficit rules
2. Moreover, it remains to be seen ,whether Schulz will propose new
policies, or whether he will largely stick with
the known SPD policies, which could dampen the appeal of a “fresh” candidate.
The CSU‘s major request, an upper limit on migration, however, will not be
included in the common election platform. This is no surprise, as the CDU
and especially Chancellor Merkel have repeatedly opposed such a limit.
The Chancellor has argued that Germany needs to act flexible with regard to the
admission of refugees depending on the situation in countries of origin like Syria.
EU Forecast