Co-Determination of Employees (Mitbestim-mungsgesetz – MitbestG)
The Act on the Co-Determination of Employees (Mitbestim-
mungsgesetz – MitbestG) requires stock corporations (AG),
partnerships limited by shares (Kommanditgesellschaften auf
Aktien – KGaA), limited liability companies (GmbH) and coopera-
tives (Genossenschaft) with more than 2,000 employees to have
equal representation for the employees and the owners of the
In stalemate situations, the chairman of the superviso-
ry board, who generally represents the interests of the owners,
has a double vote. The human resource director is appointed to
the management board and is ranked equally with other mem-
bers of that board. In contrast to the rules set out in the Coal,
Steel, and Iron Industry Co-Determination Act (MontanMitbestG)
referred to above, this appointment can be made without a ma-
jority vote from the employee representatives.
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