Documents must be filed in electronic form
As of 2007, documents must be fled in electronic form with
the German Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) for publication on
its homepage (see and www.unterneh-
Companies are not distinguished by size in this
respect: small and medium-sized companies must also fle with
the German Federal Gazette. However, small companies and
micro-entities must submit only the balance sheet and the notes
to the financial statements. Micro-entities also have the option
of applying for “filing” with the German Federal Gazette instead
of publication.
Simplifcations based on size are available for small and medi-
um-sized companies as well as for micro-entities with respect to
the disclosure documents. Medium-sized companies need only
to prepare a simplifed income statement (including exemption
from the requirement to analyze the gross proft fgure) and sim-
plifed notes to the financial statements (including exemptions
from the requirement to analyze sales by areas of activity and by
geographical markets).
EU Forecast