Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (Bruttoinlandsausgaben für Forschung und Entwicklung)
GERD – Gross domestic expenditure on R&D (Bruttoinlandsausgaben für Forschung
und Entwicklung): Total federal level GERD expenditure and personnel data is available
differentiated by sectors from 1981 onwards. Furthermore, a breakdown of total GERD
expenditure by Länder (states) is also available for recent years.
Consecutive GERD by FOS 4 Agricultural sciences data are available for the government
sector (GOVERD) and for the higher education sector (HERD) from the year 1993. These
are comparable with some minor limitation. E.g. Since the reporting year 2011 only internal
expenditure for R&D are included, not counting funds which are only passed on, in order
to avoid double counting. In addition biannual HERD data is also available for the period
between 1981 and 1991. Only singular years are available for the private non-profit sector
(1983, 85, 87, 89). Very few values are available for GERD by NABS for the government
sector. The German Federal Statistical Office (DESTATIS) is in charge of collecting GERD
GOVERD data is based on compulsory surveys of public and publicly financed research and
development organisations. Likewise is the HERD data based in compulsory University and
Personnel statistics, which are differentiated into research and teaching using estimation
techniques to get isolated contributions for the research statistics.
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