Largest investors are state-owned enterprises
More investors are private compani es, but the largest
investors are state-owned enterprises
While the majority of Chinese M&A acquisitions in Ger-
many through 2009 were made by Chinese state-owned
enterprise (Jungbluth 2013: 13) , considerably more pri –
vate enterprises are now entering that market as buyers.
According to PwC (2016) , they were involved in 65 per-
cent of the transactions between 2001 and 2016, while the
author’ s own research for 2014–2016 shows an increase
to almost 70 percent (Fig. 18). A look at the investment
volume, however, reveals that SOEs still dominate Chinese
FDI in Germany. MERICS and the RHG attribute 60 per-
cent of China’ s total FDI volume in Germany between 2000
and 2014 to state-owned enterprises (Hanemann and Huo-
tari 2015: 26).
This trend in Germany thus coincides with
the global trend in Chinese FDI , which shows the number
of private companies involved in foreign investment to be
much greater, while it is the state-owned
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