Limitations of data of private agricultural research
The limitations of data of private agricultural research efforts have already been described
in section 3.1. The analysis of the BERD data shows constantly increasing private efforts
for the total of all NACE activities.
The data available for the agricultural sector show also
increasing efforts for the period 2001 to 2009. However, single values of earlier years
indicate that expenditure has been higher. Overall, expenditure for agriculture (NACE 11:
A B, and NACE 2: A) make up only between 0.2% and 0.3% of total BERD expenditure,
but it is estimated that actual research efforts of the private sector is considerably higher
than the BERD data indicates.
The comparison of the available expenditure on R&D for the government (GOVERD) the
higher education (HERD) and the business (BERD) for agriculture leads to the conclusion
that business expenditures for agricultural research are only a minor share of total
expenditure. However, it is assumed that the BERD data contain only a fragment of the
real total business R&D for agriculture.
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