Brexit should have comparatively little direct impact on the
German metal production and processing sector.
The British sector produces and exports fairly large quantities of pre-
cious metal and other NF metal products, for example made
from chromium, cobalt, magnesium, molybdenum, nickel, ti-
tanium and tungsten. These are relatively unimportant sec-
tors in Germany. The German sector is indirectly dependent
at home and abroad on demand and competition in the UK
via customers such as the car industry.
The IT equipment, electronic and optical products sector is
a strongly globalised, internationally networked sector of the
economy. Some well-known producers are based in the UK.
The current uncertainty surrounding economic development
is depressing demand in the UK. Control, measurement, and
navigation equipment from Germany should be affected by
this to a below-average extent, since digitalisation and auto-
mation are leading to an increase in demand for these prod-
EU Forecast