Logistical and secretariat support for the FSC is provided by the BMF
Logistical and secretariat support for the FSC is provided by the BMF, with corresponding
coordination units at Bundesbank and BaFin. Unlike macroprudential bodies in some other
countries, there are no standing committees of deputies or technical staff from member
agencies to discuss issues in advance of FSC meetings. This is because the analytical support
for the FSC’s activities is provided predominantly by the Bundesbank (see below). According
to the German authorities, inter-agency coordination on both the FSC and other matters takes
place on an ongoing basis.
The FSC is required by statute to meet on a quarterly basis – although any member may
request that a meeting be convened at short notice – and thus far has met on four occasions.
In addition to discussing risks to financial stability, the FSC has considered the need for and
development of macroprudential tools, including those established under CRD IV/CRR. The
FSC has not yet, however, published any warnings or recommendations or issued any other
public communication except for a press release on the occasion of its first meeting.
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