Long and bumpy road towards a new government
The SPD expects that a new Groko’s policy will be focussing on its key requests
for more social justice and solidarity – encompassing also EU matters such as
an EU-wide minimum wage.
As major SPD demands hardly fit with the
CDU/CSU programme, complex and lengthy negotiations will precede the
formation of a new government – SPD grandees even mentioned months. At
present, it is even unclear whether serious exploratory talks will still start before
Christmas. In this talks, among others, the SPD will explore whether the party
will join a government coalition, tolerate a CDU/CSU minority government or
participate in another form of cooperation. Once these talks will be finished
successfully a special party convention shall decide on the start of formal
negotiations with the Conservatives.
Finally, the negotiation outcome and thus
the preferred form of cooperation will be submitted to a SPD member survey for
approval. The likelihood of a positive vote is all the more open, as the SPD
leadership struggles hard to backtrack from its former no. Thus, a successful
finish is likely but not a given.
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