Non-preferential origin in the country
Goods have their non-preferential origin in the country in which
they are wholly obtained or produced. However, if more than
one country is involved in the production, goods have their
non-preferential origin in the country where they underwent their
last substantial, economically justifed processing or re-working
in an undertaking equipped for that purpose and resulting in
the manufacture of a new product or representing an important
stage in the manufacturing of the goods.
Various duty-preference agreements between the EU and other
countries exist, which grant exemption from customs duties or
lower duty rates for goods originating from certain countries
(e. G. EEA/EFTA countries, Maghreb countries, or developing
countries). The principles of all agreements are the same, but
details of the definition of origin and other conditions may differ
for certain products.
Products wholly obtained in the benefciary country are con-
sidered to originate in that country. This corresponds largely to
the non-preferential origin. For other products, the re-working
or processing required on non-originating materials used in
manufacturing is generally set out in a list covering the different
chapters of the CCT.
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