Policy alternatives in international consortia
In future, researchers attempt to work out policy alternatives in international consortia in
order to receive more attention on policy proposals. In addition, it is necessary to foster
public discussion by better tailoring policy proposals to target groups (Isermeyer 2014).
It is felt that politicians (and sometimes ministries) have fewer opportunities to target
medium and long term topics due to the need to react on current problems, therefore
scientists need to bring in future related topics. Due to the above described developments
at universities, especially federal research institutes are asked in this respect.
Several interviewees issue the need for a concerted strategy for agricultural research,
outlasting the governmental election periods and leading to a better priority setting (cf.
4.2.5). Even the term bioeconomy was not clearly defined and used differently between
Currently, opportunities to participate in priority setting are limited for civil society
organisations. A Civil Society Platform Research Turnaround (Zivilgesellschaftliche
Plattform ForschungsWende, http://www.forschungswende.de/index.php) has been
established featuring bioeconomy as one topic.
EU Forecast