Postponement of the Dublin III Regulation reform
Conclusion: Postponement of the Dublin III Regulation reform – no
lasting solution
Migration management will remain a difficult and complex challenge for the EU.
Migration pressure is very likely to continue, given the various persistent push
factors in relevant regions of origin. Several regions in Africa show a gap
between high population growth rates and limited progress with regard to
economic development which will be hard to bridge in the foreseeable future.
Furthermore, there are various countries outside Africa, too, where the
humanitarian, social and/or political situation is precarious as a result of
(political) conflicts that here and there extend all the way up to (civil) wars, not to
mention environmental problems as well.
Given these challenges, the EU is building on a mix of external and internal
measures. Especially noteworthy among the external measures are various
forms of assistance for transit countries and countries of origin, which aim at
promoting the countries’ economic and social development and at reducing the
incentives for migration, resettlements and other options for legal immigration to
the EU.
Other measures include efforts to fight trafficking and smuggling as well
as enhanced border management.
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