Shareholders victims of a newwave of protectionism”
On 24. 10. 2016 papers reacted with this headline: “Shareholders vic-
tims of a newwave of protectionism” ( “Aktionäre als Opfer
eines neuen Protektionismus”).
Other media also began
to address the growing protectionist attitude in Germany
towards Chinese investments (cf. Welt, 24. 10. 2016). In fact,
the whole debate on this topic and the responses to Sigmar
Gabriel ’ s recent attempts to push back is taking place as
international institutions like the World Trade Organization
(WTO) and the World Economic Forum(WEF) have issued
repeated warnings of late against a resurgent global protec-
tionism and the consequent negative impact on the world
economy (WTO, 27. 9. 2016; Schwab 2016: 3, 10).
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