Still clearly behind the United States
China has also caught up in outward FDI stock. At 4 per-
cent in 2015, it was in tenth place (2000: 0. 4%and 22nd
place) , but still clearly behind the United States, Germany,
and the United Kingdomwhich have cumulated the highest
FDI stock over time.
In recent years, China has thus risen
frombeing a minor player to an important source of FDI.
It has the greatest FDI among the developing and emerg-
ing countries. Compared to the size of the Chinese econ-
omy, however, FDI still plays a relatively minor role com-
pared to other maj or investor countries. In 2015, China’ s
outward FDI stockwas equal to j ust 9. 2 percent of its GDP.
In the United States, this figure stood at 33. 3 percent and
was 54 percent in both Germany and the United Kingdom
(UNCTAD 2016).
China thus has the potential to continue
catching up in FDI outflows in the years
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