Strengths of Dutch suppliers match the requirements of manufacturers…
Chain management is a priority for German companies in the process of outsourcing and
reducing the number of suppliers. Key terms for suppliers are: reliability, predictability,
flexibility and efficiency. On average, Dutch industrial companies rate highly on these factors,
certainly in relation to East European and Asian competitors. For example, the level of
automation, and consequently of productivity, is high in the Netherlands and the Netherlands
possesses substantial technological know-how in various market segments. Germans
certainly know how to appreciate technological know-how.
In the Netherlands, the high-tech chain has developed strongly during recent years via the
model of ‘open innovation’. For the most complex technological innovations this is a powerful
model that can also benefit German enterprises. Cooperation is essential in the efforts
forming part of Industrie 4.0, and it is precisely here that Dutch businesses can play an
important role.
However, it is important first to work according to German wishes and requirements when
doing business with German companies. Confidence grows after many years of cooperation,
and it is then that the added value of particularly ‘Dutch’ qualities can be exploited.
EU Forecast