Trends in the field of agricultural innovation
In terms of trends in the field of agricultural innovation, the German sector study
(Bokelmann 2012) concludes that the agricultural sector has a relatively low level of R&D
compared to other highly technical sectors.
However, it identified an increasing tendency
in innovation indicators. The study also showed that levels of innovation uptake differ
between agricultural production fields (animal production, plant production, horticulture).
An important finding was that besides the established (expected) knowledge flow from
basic to applied research to advisory serviced to agricultural practice, there is another
innovation strand from supplying industry and farmers themselves.
Results of the recent EU-initiated Community Innovation Survey (CIS) for Germany are
published in Rammer et al. 2014. Innovationsverhalten der deutschen Wirtschaft:
Indikatorenbericht zur Innovationserhebung 2013, however, agriculture, forestry,
fisheries, and veterinary sector are explicitly not covered in the survey.
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