Type of research
At agricultural faculties the shares of funding for basic research and for applied research
depend on the field and the interest of the different professorships.
While some are successful and interested in basic research funded by DFG, BMBF or the EU, others rather
apply for BMEL or industry projects. Federal research institutes carry out applied research
and knowledge transfer, the latter mostly in the frame of political consultancy.
Some interviewees argue that academic research veers away from practice and that basic
research has gained more importance. Successful basic researchers are appointed
professorships in agricultural faculties which earlier had been strong in applied science. A
major reason is seen in the reward system of science.
There is a need for a
strategy how to better balance the types of research. Different interviewees stressed, that
the scientific community should develop a rating system in which applied research is as
reputable as basic research. Especially the funding side calls for more balance between
basic and applied research (BMEL, interview). The innovation programme of the BMEL e.g.
Therefore puts special emphasis on cooperation between business and research
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